
Galapagos Solaris Cruise 8 Day Itinerary B

Galapagos Solaris Cruise 8 Day Itinerary B

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Our 8-day eastern route visits some of the most popular landmarks of the Galapagos including the panoramic view of Bartolome, the offshore sculpture of Kicker Rock and the blowhole of Española. You will also get to snorkel in the most spectacular sites, amongst penguins, sea lions, turtles and more. As well as learning about the fascinating volcanic formations, you can spot endless wildlife including iguanas, booby colonies and albatrosses, and relax on striking coral sand beaches.

Trip Name
Galapagos Solaris Cruise 8 Day Itinerary B
Vessel Type: Motor Yacht Passenger Capacity: 16 Lenght: 36 m Built: 2019 Welcome aboard Motor Yacht Solaris! This beautiful and modern yacht comprises comfort and relaxation into one. There’s a special and unique feature that can’t be underestimated - this Galapagos cruise is 100% solo traveller friendly! You can forget about single supplement headaches and join one of our 5 main deck cabins! Furthermore, our trained crew & cruise director, assisted by our naturalist guide, will be ready to serve your every need, making your stay as comfortable as possible.


Day 1 - Day 1 – Tuesday AM - Arrival at Baltra Airport PM - Mosquera
AM - Arrival at Baltra AirportUpon arrival at Seymour Ecological Airport, a check-up iscarried out rst, to ensure that no foreign plant or animalspecies are introduced on the islands. Furthermore, yourTCC (Transit Control Card) is stamped; this must be keptsafe during your trip, as it has to be presented again on yourreturn ight. In addition, entrance to the Galapagos NationalPark is due for entry (US $ 100), if this has not yet beenpaid. Your guide will meet you at the airport, assist you withthe luggage and accompany you on the short bus ride tothe harbour of Puerto Ayora. Here you will climb aboardthe yacht San Jose. After greeting the crew and the captain,your cabins will be assigned to you and then you will enjoyyour rst lunch on-board.PM - MosqueraGalapagos sea lions are true beach lovers and Mosqueraoffers beautiful white coral sand beaches, which contrastwith the blue water and thus attract numerous sea lions.During a beach walk you can observe numerous species ofwaders and sanderlings. Between the rocks the red clipcrabs wait to play hide and seek while you try to get theperfect photo. If you are lucky, you may even encounteryellow-crowned night-herons or even a red-footed booby.
Day 2 - Day 2 – Wednesday AM - Darwin Bay (Genovesa) PM - Prince Philip’s Steps (Genovesa)
AM - Darwin Bay (Genovesa)Inside the submerged caldera of Genovesa lies Darwin Bay.The small-scaled area will surprise you as nd yourself walkingalong a coral sand beach, crossing barren lava formations andcreeks, passing tidal pools, shrubs and further ahead followingthe top of some cliffs. Every single species has occupied itsown ecological niche. Whimbrels and wandering tattlersforage actively along the surf, next to resting Galapagos sealions. Impressive frigatebirds and red-footed boobies nest inthe mangroves, where you can also see vocalists such as theyellow warbler, Darwin’s nches and the Galapagos mockingbird. Uniquely, two subpopulations of the same species of largecactus nch differ in their singing.PM: Prince Philip’s Steps (Genovesa)We will sail to nearby Prince Philip’s Steps, close to theentrance of the broken caldera. Sometimes a Galapagos furseal might be resting on one of the shaded ledges. Here youcan snorkel once again, and then follow the guided trailthrough clifftop seabird colonies. At the seaside of the rim,the bushes open up and you can enjoy wide views and thestrong sea breeze. Following the exposed rim you will rstpass a colony of Nazca boobies and nally reach the extensive storm petrel nesting places, where if you are lucky youcan see how the well-camouaged short-eared owl huntsfor them on foot
Day 3 - Day 3 – Thursday AM - South Plaza PM - Barrington Bay (Santa Fe)
AM - South PlazaYou will enjoy an unforgettable guided walk on South Plaza,the best place to encounter endemic Galapagos landiguanas, patient and photogenic models. You can also lookout for some of the unique hybrids between the malemarine iguana and female land iguana. Arriving at the upperrim, about 20m/75ft downwards impressively droning wavessplash against the foot of soaring cliffs. Clouds of petrels,storm petrels, shearwaters and brown noddies make spectacular ights and sometimes look like they’re walking onthe waves. Take your binoculars and don’t miss the red-billedtropicbird with its graceful long tail and spectacular matingghts. These cliffs are also a nesting place for the endemicswallow-tailed gull.PM - Barrington Bay (Santa Fe)You will land right in the middle of a Galapagos sea lioncolony on the beach, where you will have time for a refreshing swim or excellent snorkelling among tropical reef shin the crystal-clear azure waters of Barrington Bay. You willalso encounter bizarre giant prickly pear cactus (opuntia)forests. These are the largest cacti on the islands, with extremely thick trunks, and can grow over 10m/33ft tall! We havea wet landing at the beach of Santa Fe where we have aguided nature walk. This extraordinary island is a remnant ofprobably the most ancient volcano on the Galapagos. Yourguide will decide whether the easy shorter circuit isfollowed, or a strenuous longer hike land inward (moderatelevel; about 3km/2mi).
Day 4 - Day 4 - Friday AM – Kicker Rock (San Cristobal) PM - Interpretation Centre (San Cristóbal)
AM – Kicker Rock (San Cristobal)Kicker Rock is a huge offshore block of rock with a sharptower next to it. Reaching about 150m/500ft above sealevel, from the side it has the form of a giant shoe (hence itsname Kicker Rock), whilst from a longitudinal direction itresembles a sleeping lion (hence its Spanish name LeonDormido). Before breakfast you will enjoy a dinghy-ride andoptional snorkelling where you might encounter octopuses,different species of sharks and Pacic green turtles.PM - Interpretation Centre (San Cristóbal)After saying goodbye to Route B4 passengers, we head tothe Interpretation Centre, close to the provincial capitalPuerto Baquerizo Moreno. Information panels in English andSpanish, pictures, models and diagrams conveying the originof the Galapagos can be found. The detailed exhibition alsoprovides insights about the volcanic formation of the archipelago, its remoteness from the mainland, its marinecurrents, its particular climate, the arrival of different speciesand their spread, and more.
Day 5 - Day 5 – Saturday AM - Gardner Bay (Española) PM – Suarez Point (Española)
AM - Gardner Bay (Española)On the north-eastern coast of the island of Española, Gardner Bay offers a wonderful place to refresh in the turquoisesea and to admire the large number of colourful reef sh.You will also have the opportunity to snorkel side by sidewith green sea turtles, or to enjoy the proximity of theplayful Galapagos sea lion. The white sand beach is also animportant breeding ground for the green sea turtles. In thecrystal-clear ocean, sometimes whales can be sighted undercertain circumstances.PM – Suarez Point (Española)This rocky area is home to the most impressive and diverseseabirds of the archipelago. The endangered Galapagosalbatross returns to Española (March - December) annually.This allows visitors to admire the balances of pipes andbows (especially in October). Blue-fronted and nazcat oilpipes, black-tailed gulls and red-billed tropic birds are nativeto this island. Along the southern coast, high cliffs allow spectacular views of ascending birds and the sea water shotthrough air holes.
Day 6 - Day 6 – Sunday AM – Post Office Bay (Floreana) PM - Punta Cormorant & Champion Islet (Floreana)
AM – Post Ofce Bay (Floreana)While having lunch we will navigate back to Post Ofce Bay(about 1hr). Post your holiday greetings in the historicalbarrel, one of three nearby visitor’s sites on Floreana’s northcoast (short displacement, wet landing) and relax. BesidesGalapagos sea lions, Pacic green turtles and golden cownose rays you might spot Galapagos penguins! This is the onlyplace in the south-eastern archipelago where penguinsreside. Explore by inatable dinghy – or in your own pace bysea-kayak – another submerged crater rim around the bayof Baroness Lookout. Climb the miniature basaltic cone ofBaroness Lookout and take in the paradisiacal coastal views. This viewpoint was the favourite spot of one of Floreana’srst colonists, the eccentric Baroness and self-proclaimed‘Empress of Galapagos’ Eloisa von Wagner Bosquet, whoeven built her house a few metres behind. She and one ofher lovers were the rst in a series of mysterious disappearings and deaths in the 1930s.PM - Punta Cormorant & Champion Islet (Floreana)The peninsula of Cormorant Point forms the extremenorth cape of Floreana, which was formed by a number ofsmaller volcanic cones, covered with tropical dry forest(palo santo). At the landing beach, you will be welcomed bya small Galapagos sea lion-colony. The green sand on thisbeach contains a high percentage of glassy olivine crystalsthat have been blown out by the surrounding tuff cones. The‘our sand’ beach on the southern side of the peninsula ismade up of even ner white coral sand that feels verysmooth on your feet. Parrotsh have pulverised it, grindingthe calcareous skeletons of living coral. You can spot schoolsof stingrays who love burying themselves in the sandybottom. During the rst months of the year, Pacic greenturtles come ashore to bury their eggs.
Day 7 - Day 7 – Monday AM - Sullivan Bay (Santiago) PM - Bartolomé
AM - Sullivan Bay (Santiago)The arrival in Sullivan Bay is like a moon landing. The desolate, sprawling elds seem to be mostly lifeless, but this island,which is particularly popular among photographers, stilloffers a lot to see. There is even some life! Green sea turtlesburrow in the small white sand beach, where you can alsond crabs, blue herons and oystercatchers.PM - BartoloméThe island of Bartolomé rises 114m above Sullivan Bay.Climb the steps of the Bartolomé Peak Trail and you will berewarded with panoramic views over volcanic peaks, lunarcraters and lava elds. Afterwards you can refresh yourselfat the foot of the famous "Pinnacle Rock" and explore theunderwater world in the shallow water while snorkelling.Although there is little vegetation on this island, it has twobreathtaking beaches, where sea turtles live. At the foot ofthe mountain you can also discover a small colony of Galapagos penguins.
Day 8 - Day 8 – Tuesday AM - Black Turtle Cove (Santa Cruz) Transfer to the Airport
AM - Black Turtle Cove (Santa Cruz)This small bay is located on the north side of the island ofSanta Cruz and offers a unique backdrop for unique adventures. The landscape makes you feel as if you're in theAmazon rainforest rather than near the sea. Explore thequiet emerald lagoon and surrounding shallow bays with theinatable dinghy. The crystal clear water allows you to spotgroups of whitetip reef sharks, blacktip reef sharks, hammerhead sharks, gold rays and spotted eagle rays.Transfer to the Airport
Day 9 - Please Note:
Itineraries are subject to change.

Trip Dates

StartEndPrice FromRoom Type


    • Albatross Galapagos
    • Sea Lion
    • Galapagos Penguin
    • Booby colonies
    • American flamingos
    • Marine Iguana
    • Nazca boobies
    • Great & American Frigatebird
    • Galapagos giant tortoise
